Tag Archives: Google Books

New Skills

The past three classes introduced me to new ways of finding information. In the class I learned about google scholar and google books. I never knew about scholar, it’s been very helpful with my research proposal. I knew about google books but never used it like I used google. I also learned how to use the article database which was extremely helpful. Last year in English 101 it wasn’t explain as clearly as in this class. I also learned how to use the Inter Library Loan for students. I already requested a loan for an article and it came the following day. The loan I can see myself using in the future for other project. This class has been very helpful!


Research Journal 2

Well this weekend I started searching with google scholar. Scholar is very useful it gave me many PDF articles to look at for my research question. Google books was also helpful, it showed many books for files haring which is part of my research question. Besides google, I liked using yahoo because of yahoo answers. A lot of people ask similar questions like my research question and when others answer their question they add links supporting their answers which is very helpful. But I think the library database was the most useful since they’re so many articles and books relating to my topic. Some problems I came across was finding websites relevant to my question. If I wasn’t specific with my searches I wouldn’t have found some useful information.